| you are allowed to bring in your blue book and 4 to 5 sheets of paper |
| each sheet must have a 1-1 1/2 inch margin on the right hand side on
both sides of the paper (for draft only) |
| each of your writing sheets will be stamped "Miss Prem" in red and
you are not allowed to use any empty writing
sheets that is not stamped (including your outline or
brainstorm sheet) |
| if you need more paper, make sure you have it stamped before you start |
| you are not allowed to have any written essays or long notes in your
blue book (you can have the notes on your analysis during class
discussions with you) |
| please do not copy by sneaking a written essay into the classroom or
copying other students work. |
| if you are found cheating you will not be allowed to continue
(Don't test me on this) |