While unity is the quality that creates of wholeness, coherence is the quality that creates a sense of being tightly woven. So, a coherent paragraph is one in which the supporting points and details are organised clearly and logically, and all the sentences flow smoothly throughout.

 To achieve coherence in your writing you can use transitional words/phrases, and other connecting words like repetition of keywords to link up ideas.

 Commonly used transitional words/phrases to show:

q addition

also, in addition, besides, moreover, first, second, next, another, finally


q time

first, then, next, before, simultaneously, after, during, meanwhile, while, immediately


q space/place

below, next to, opposite to, to the right, adjacent, beyond, nearby, neighbouring


q contrast

but, yet, in contrast, still, on the other hand, on the contrary, though, nevertheless


q comparison

similarly, in the same way, by the same token, likewise


q illustration

for example, as an illustration, such as, specifically, for instance, to demonstrate


q cause

because, since, for that reason, on account of effect - therefore, consequently, as a result, thus, hence, accordingly


q summary

to summarise, in sum, to sum up, in summary, in short, in brief


q conclusion

thus, therefore, in conclusion, finally, in summary, last of all


Activity 1

For the paragraphs below, underline the topic sentences. Then, decide if each of the following paragraphs has coherence or lacks coherence. If the paragraph is coherent, circle the transitional words/phrases used. If it lacks coherence, identify where the transitional words/phrases are needed and supply the appropriate ones.


1.             There are two contributing factors for the success of the Kin Company. Firstly, the company started as a family business where all family members are fully committed to making it a success. Everyone worked long hours and drew very small salaries. So, they were able to expand the company very quickly. The other contributing factor is the principle upheld by the company, which is quality and promptness. For instance, the Kin Company always uses good raw materials so that their products are of high quality. Moreover, any orders placed are ensured prompt delivery.


2.             I don't enjoy baby sitting my little nephew. When I want to watch television, he demands that I play with him. When I am talking over the phone, he screams behind me. He pulls my skirt. I ignore him. He knocks things over to get my attention. When I settle down for a meal, he refuses to let me eat in peace. He wants some of my food. He wants to go to the toilet at that moment. I am beginning to dislike baby sitting him whenever my sister is out.


3.             Two basic approaches can be taken in effecting organisational changes. A change in structure and/or technology can be introduced which brings considerable pressure to bear upon organisational members. If, for example, the content of the job is altered, a new machine purchased for use, or a new form designed for collecting control information, participants must respond in some manner to these objective changes. A therapeutic approach can be taken where organisation members are counselled and encouraged to alter their behaviours in line with some proposed models. "T-group" and sensitivity training sessions can be used to stimulate more individual openness and supportiveness in the organisation.


Activity 2

 Use transitional words/phrases to join the following supporting points and details into a coherent paragraph.


1.             TS :        There are two types of interviews : guided and unguided interviews


                a.             The guided interview is helpful for an untrained interviewer.

                b.             The interviewer uses a prepared list of questions.

                c.             The list of questions is prepared based on an analysis of the job specifications.

                d.             The unguided interview is more often used in situations other than hiring.

                e.             It is used in counselling, processing of grievances and exit interviews.

                f.              The interview is largely unplanned.

                g.             The interviewer does most of the talking.


2.             TS :        Yaohan is a one-stop shopping complex for the family.


                a.             There is a big supermarket on the ground floor.

                b.             You can buy all kinds of things there.

                c.             There are canned food, fresh produce, household items, and toiletries.

                d.             There are numerous shops that sell clothes.

                e.             They range from toddlers, teenagers to adults.

                f.              They cater for the dressy, brand-conscious shoppers.

                g.             They cater for the average shoppers.

                h.             There is a food court.

                i.              All kinds of mouth-watering food and drinks are served.

                j.              Their slogan " I found it at Yaohan " aptly describes this shopping complex.        


3.             TS :        Aerobic sessions at home need preparation.


                a.             Dress comfortably.

                b.             Wear something that allows for easy and free movements.

                c.             A loose T-shirt and a pair of track pants will do.

                d.             The aerobic area must be spacious.

                e.             Move tables and chairs out of the way.

                f.              You won't bruise yourself knocking into them.

                g.             Switch on the music.
